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Reading and Phonics

Year 2 love to read! We are currently reading the Minpins by Roald Dahl in our English lessons and the children love relaxing in the reading corner with our other quality texts. 

We teach phonics daily in Year 2 and we have small group shared reading sessions three times a week. 

We ask parents to spend time reading at home three times a week; this can be reading together, reading to your child or taking it in turns.  Audiobooks are also a great way to spend a car journey or even as a bedtime story to help with sleep. 

We count the reads in the children's reading diaries every Friday. It is very important to re-read books to build up a child's fluency. We swap each child's book if they have read three times to an adult at home. If a child completes 5 reads in a week, then they are entered into the reading raffle to win a book!